Every act of random kindness is significant for changing our world.
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What is true love ? - find it here. "Love Endures Hope Abounds," is available in print or an eBook. A Novel: Through the struggles of life, Robert Love finds a spiritual perspective and new hope for the future. You should never give up. This story tells you why.
When the troubles of life come crashing in, don't despair. Help may be just around the corner.
This was the case for Robert Love, a discouraged soul who suffered serious injuries in a severe auto collision. But there was more happening to him than he knew.
Learn how he found new understanding for true love and hope. Robert Love discovers a new life.
It's an easy read for love definition. Grow your faith and improve your relationship with God. Also see the link above for True Love. Follow this link for a free e-book download.
Find true love here with three clicks... TRUE LOVE
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Blessings! Alan Updyke